Dr Julie Ayton

Dr Julie Ayton

I completed my PhD in 2008 (in France) and since then have been teaching in various institutions in the UK. I joined Westminster Business School as a Senior Lecturer in Finance in January 2015.

In addition to extensive experience in teaching finance modules, and a track record of research publications, I have experience in PhD supervision (and external examination) and course design and leadership. I also have some experience in teaching MBA students. I am actively involved in my School in terms of teaching and research, seeking every opportunity to develop myself both personally and professionally. 

My research interests spread across various topics in finance (corporate finance, banking, empirical asset pricing, behavioural finance and social responsibility), but also economics (macroeconomics, religion) and international business (cross-border mergers and acquisitions). I have presented my research in many international conferences in Europe and the USA. I have published in European Journal of Finance, International Business Review, International Journal of the Economics of Business, Research in International Business and Finance, Thunderbird International Business Review, and European Journal of Political Economy.

Finally, I have successfully supervised a PhD student on the topic of banking risks and the impact of mergers and acquisitions.