Mr Hans Reichert

Hans Dieter Reichert is anglo-german and is employed as a Senior Lecturer and Liaison Tutor (Macromedia University, Berlin) at the University of Westminster. In addition he has been a Visiting Professor since 2015 at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA). Hans academic experience spans over 20 years as Visiting and Associate Lecturer with assignments at Bath College of Higher Education / Bath Spa University, UCA, University of Reading and Northampton University. He has been sitting at various academic review/validation/examination panels. And has given guest lectures in Germany, US, Switzerland, Czech Republic and South Korea.
Professional experience
Hans has 30 years professional experience working at major design Agencies in Amsterdam and London before starting up his own company HDR Design and Visual Communication Ltd (an SME) in 1992. In 1994 he co-founded Bradbourne Publishing Ltd to produce and distribute Baseline, the international TypoGraphic magazine, amongst other bespoke publications.
Hans is an international acknowledged designer with a professional Membership of AGI and Fellowships of ISTD, Brno and RSA. Over the last two decades he has been invited as speaker at international design conferences, panel discussions and jury activities. His designs are featured in various international peer reference publications. Amongst them: Megg’s History of Graphic Design, 4th Ed. and Phaidon Press: Graphics – 500 Designs that matter. Thames & Hudson, USA: AGI – Graphic Design since the 1950.
Some of his designs are in the design collections/archives of MOMA NY and the Design Museums in London and Germany.
Hans has studied Media, Visual Communication and Production Design in Germany, Switzerland and London.
Throughout his career, he has published and participated in peer publications and exhibitions either as initiator, curator, author, specialist translator, or as editorial designer. Hans has written articles and documents on typography, graphic design and graphic education either as stand-alone subjects or in social context.
At the Uni of Westminster, Hans works within the Graphic Communication Design course as a lecturer and personal tutor. In particular in Level 5 and Level 6 on Typography and Communication Design 2, Live Projects, Information Applications and Professional Launch Pad modules. Hans is currently studying for Fellowship in the Higher Education Authority (FHEA).
His various research interests are within design education, editorial design, innovative spatial typography and visual communication, information design and the exploration of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
1992 Owner and Director of HDR Visual Communication Ltd. Design consultancy working in the following sectors: Branding, Editorial Design, Exhibitions, Publishing, Visual Communication, Visual identity, Way Finding/Signage.
1994 Owner, co director and Publisher of Baseline Magazine International TypoGraphics magazine and other limited and high quality bespoke publications. Since 2006 sole owner and director
Professional Memberships/Honors: 2015 Visiting Professor, UCA. 2006 Honorary Degree from UCA – University for the Creative Arts, England. 2006 Elected Member of Alliance Graphique Internationale, (AGI), Switzerland. 1999 Participation/Invitation to design competition Kieler Woche, Germany. Since 1998 Fellow of International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD), London. Fellow RSA – Royal Society of the Arts, London. Honorary Member of Biennale Brno, Czech Republic
Design awards (incl): TDC (New York); ISTD (London), D&AD (London), Krasna Kraus Awards (England); Red Dot Award (Germany); Innovation Award (Paris); BRNO Bienale (Czech Republic) and TDC (Japan)
Jury activities: D&AD (London); Art Directors Club (New York); ISTD Annual and student competition (London), AOI Association for Illustrators (London)
Exhibitions and symposiums
2002 Baseline Print ephemera exhibition, Reading University, Department of Typography and Graphic Communication.
2011 “17” Working relationship between Baseline and students of UCA, George Rogers Gallery, University for the Creative Arts (UCA), Kent, UK. Organiser and curator.
2012 Munich ’72: Design Legacy, UCA Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury, Kent. A exhibition and symposium. Organiser and curator of Olympian visual identity:
2016 Design Content Festa, Global design Conference & Exhibition. Seoul, Korea. Exhibitor and guest speaker