Mr Carl Jones

Mr Carl Jones

Carl W. Jones is a bilingual, multicultural communications professional and academic. As a practitioner, his content creation for clients has generated millions of dollars in earned media, and as an academic, he has taught students across the globe . Selected one of the Top 20 Canadian Creative Directors by Strategy Magazine, also he became the most awarded Art Director in the Mexican advertising industry. Carl was nominated for "Excellence in Teaching" at OCAD University, Toronto, and Nominated twice for University of Westminster Student Union UWSU Staff Appreciation Awards . In total he has won over 500 awards and recognitions for his advertising messages and academic career, including Cannes Lions. The mass media such as BBC; The Telegraph; The Face; BBC Mundo: Periodico Reforma, TV UNAM interview Jones on publicity and its effects on society. His newspaper articles on Racism & Classism in Mexican advertising have had over 7,000 shares on Facebook alone. 

Carl has published academic papers in Spanish and English on "Racism and classism in Mexican advertising" including publishers Stringer and Cambridge Scholars. Other themes include Design and Semiotics with  "Encoding a Personal Brand". In 2020 he was Guest Editor for Westminster Press's special edition journal called 'Advertising For The Human Good' featuring academic research into advertising from around the world, and an interview with UK Madman legend Dave Trott. 

He presents his research into 'Decolonizing Advertising through Diversity' at both academic and marketing conferences such as the Government of Mexico's CONAPRED (Advice to prevent discrimination) in Mexico City and 'Semiosis in Communication' conference in Bucharest, Romania. In 2022 he was invited be part of a panel on Diversity & Inclusion at the AAA 2022 American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference and presented his #RacismoNeon visual activism project to an academic audience at the 16th World Congress on Semiotics in Warsaw and Industry audience at SXSW South By Southwest 2025 in Austin Texas . Currently, he is on the Executive Committee of the IASS International Association of Semiotic Studies, representing the UK.

Carl’s visual creative work has been exhibited in: Royal Ontario Museum Toronto; Museo Franz Mayer and Presidential Palace Los Pinos in Mexico City, and is part of the permanent collection of Fundacion Televisa in Mexico, one of Latin America's top three art collections.

Jones’s PhD research at the Royal College of Art on “Decolonizing Advertising through Diversity,” sets out to redefine the concept of advertising through his analysis of the political economy of race in Mexico, and its manifestation through the spectacle of advertising. 

Semiotics is Jones’s preferred method to investigate meaning in visual communication, both digital and analogue.  His papers on: Branding; Design; Digital Gaze; Advertising tools & Techniques; have been presented at global conferences, and published in a variety of languages in Europe and Latin America.  He is on the Executive Committee of the IASS International Association of Semiotic Studies, representing the UK

Carl uses "Art Through Research" as a method to investigate and create subversive artworks. His pieces have been exhibited in galleries and museums in Mexico City, Toronto, Dubai, London, and others. 

  • Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media

In brief

Research areas

Advertising. Decolonising. Art through Research. Semiotics. Media. Racism. Classism. Mexico. Latin America.

Skills / expertise

Advertising. Creativity. Research. Branding. Diversity. Inclusion. Academia. Art Direction. Creative Direction. Writing. Typography. Semiotics. Content Analysis. Decolonising research methods. Dissertation Supervision. Leadership. Directing. Design. Advertising history. Communication in Mexico. Brainstorming.

Supervision interests

Media. Communication. PR. Advertising. Race. Class. Semiotics. Decolonising. Public Relations.