Mr Duarte Santo

Mr Duarte Santo


Image Generative AI to Design Public Spaces: a Reflection of How AI Could Improve Co-Design of Public Parks
Jose A. Guridi, Cristobal Cheyre, Maria Goula, Duarte Santo, Lee Humphreys, Achilleas Souras and Aishwarya Shankar 2025. Image Generative AI to Design Public Spaces: a Reflection of How AI Could Improve Co-Design of Public Parks. Digital Government: Research and Practice. 6 (1) 7.


Trace: Design Project and Critical Reflection
Watson, V.A., Dean, C. and Santo, D. 2019. Trace: Design Project and Critical Reflection. Architecture and Culture. 7 (1), pp. 85-93.


Trace: Translating Bankside Air Raid Shelter through Material and Spatial Tracings
Dean, C., Watson, V.A. and Santo, D. 2021. Trace: Translating Bankside Air Raid Shelter through Material and Spatial Tracings. in: Troiani, I. and Ewing, S. (ed.) Spaces of Tolerance Routledge.


Paisaje, arquitectura y turismo. El vino como excusa
Santo, D. 2011. Paisaje, arquitectura y turismo. El vino como excusa. in: Turismo del vino: anĂ¡lisis de casos internacionales


Trace: Design Project and Critical Reflection
Dean, C., Santo, D. and Watson, V.A. 2018. Trace: Design Project and Critical Reflection.

Usage Statistics
630 total views of outputs
627 total downloads of outputs
These values cover views and downloads from WestminsterResearch and are for the period from September 2nd 2018, when this repository was created.