Dr Marco Longobardo

Dr Marco Longobardo

I have a five-year master's degree in Law from the University of Messina (2012) and a PhD in Public International Law from the University of Rome ‘Sapienza’ (2016). I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. The Italian Ministry of University and Research awarded me the Italian National Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor of International Law (2019-2028).

I am presently Reader in International Law at the School of Law of the University of Westminster. In 2023 I was a Visiting Professor at the University of Trento, the University of Messina, and the Université Libre de Bruxelles. In the past, I lectured on Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Litigation before the ICJ, and EU Law at the University of Messina, for the Italian Ministry of Defence, and for the Italian Red Cross.

I have published widely in the field of public international law, including jus ad bellum, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and settlement of international disputes. My scholarship has been cited in official documents by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, the UN International Law Commission's Special Rapporteur on the Protection of the Environment in relation to Armed Conflicts, and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967. My research has been cited by states litigating international disputes before the International Court of Justice and the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

For my research, I have received the 2021 Paul Reuter Prize administered by the International Committee of the Red Cross, an Honorable Mention for the 2023 Lieber Prize awarded by the American Society of International Law, and the 2021 Italian Society of International and European Union Law Prize (Premio SIDI). I was also awarded the third places at the 2020 Rosalyn Higgins Prize and at the 2021 Junior Scholar Award of the Asian Society of International Law

My monograph on The Use of Armed Force in Occupied Territory was published by Cambridge University Press in 2018. It has received critical acclaim by reviews appeared in the Journal of Conflict & Security Law, the Revue belge de droit international, the Military Law and the Law of War Review, the German Yearbook of International Law, the Edinburgh Law Review, and the Levan Alexidze Journal of International Law.

My articles appeared in important peer-reviewed journals, including The European Journal of International Law, The Asian Journal of International Law, The Journal of International Criminal Justice, The Journal of Conflict & Security Law, the Israel Law Review, the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, The Texas International Law JournalThe Melbourne Journal of International Law, The Netherlands International Law Review, International Law Studies, the International Community Law Review, the Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, the Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, The German Yearbook of International Law, The Polish Yearbook of International Law, The Spanish Yearbook of International Law, the Rivista di diritto internazionale, the Anuario español de derecho internacional, the Wisconsin International Law Journal, as well as in several prestigious edited books.

I am the reviews editor of the Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, and I sit in the advisory board of the International Community Law Review, in the editorial board of the Journal du Droit Transnational, and in the review board of Quaderni di SIDIBlog. I was guest editor of the International Criminal Law Review and I was a member of the editorial board of the Journal on the Use of Force in International Law.

I have presented my scholarship at a number of important international conferences and events hosted, inter alia, in Belgium, Brazil, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Italy, Israel, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Palestine, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and US.

I am a member of the Italian Society of International and EU Law, the European Society of International Law, the Occupation Studies Research Network, and the International Law Association. 

My research focuses on Public International Law, with specific interest in International Humanitarian Law/Law of Armed Conflict, International Criminal Law, International Human Rights Law, and Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes. I welcome PhD proposals in any of these areas.

At the moment, I am researching in the fields of the law of military occupation, sufficient gravity before the International Criminal Court, state responsibility, and the protection of community interests before the International Court of Justice.

  • International Law at Westminster

In brief

Research areas

International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, Peacekeeping Operations, State responsibility, Peaceful Settlements of International Disputes

Supervision interests

I welcome PhD proposal on any topic related to international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, peaceful settlement of international disputes, and state responsibility
Honorable Mention for the 2023 Lieber Prize

The Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict, American Society of International Law

2021 Paul Reuter Prize on International Humanitarian Law

International Committee of the Red Cross

2021 SIDI Prize

Italian Society of International and EU Law