Dr Yvoni Kyriakidou

I have obtained a BSc degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and a MSc degree in Human Nutrition (Sports). I am currently a Doctoral Researcher in Dr Bradley Elliott’s team who is the leader of the Translational Physiology Research Group at the University of Westminster, London. My research explores how ageing affects muscle function, human performance and health. Furthermore, I am investigating the impact of different nutritional strategies on offsetting this.
I contribute to teaching in the Department of Life Sciences across modules on the BSc Human Nutrition and MSc Sport and Exercise Nutrition degree programs.
I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a certified Phlebotomist and a qualified First Aider.
I am also an Affiliate member of The Physiological Society, a registered member of the Association for Nutrition (AfN), the Nutrition Society, the Hellenic Dietetic Association (HDA), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the American Physiological Society (APS), and the Society for Endocrinology.
I am interested in investigating the physiological pathways that lead to decreased performance and how these can be affected or induced by performing specific exercise protocols. My research also explores how ageing affects muscle function, human performance and health. Furthermore, I am investigating the impact of different nutritional strategies on offsetting this.
Whilst my Doctorate both aimed to fill gaps in the literature and to establish the technique of exercise-induced muscle damage here at the University of Westminster, my future research will examine the role of omega-3 fatty acids in muscle and systemic inflammation in young and older populations, interactions between exercise stimuli in vivo and in vitro environment signalling pathways in muscle and metabolic adaptation.
I have presented part of my work on omega-3 supplementation and exercise-induced muscle damage, and on muscle function & recovery between younger and older adults at both national and international conferences, such as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) in Denver (Colorado) and in San Francisco (California), and at the Europhysiology 2018, London (UK).
I have also worked as a Research Associate (Dietitian-Nutritionist) with Democritus University of Thrace, Greece in a research project with title: ''Evaluation of Eating Habits, Physical Activity and Prevention of Nutritional and Musculoskeletal Disorders in Miners'' recording miners’ eating habits, assessing their nutritional status and counselling on healthy lifestyle.
In addition, I was invited as a Scholar Visiting Researcher in Prof Stuart Phillips' laboratory, a world-class research group at McMaster University in Canada.