Dr Richard Berry

Dr Richard Berry

Richard is Head of the School for Management and Marketing in Westminster Business School. In the College, Richard leads on the 'London is our Campus' strategy and his University-wide roles are co-Chair of the Course Validation Standing Panel and leading the Active Learning Spaces Working Group. The School offers courses in business management, marketing and tourism has developed innovative programmes incorporating digital, sport, sustainability and AI.

Richard completed his EdD in 2019, an action research study ‘Do accelerated, work-based programmes enhance student learning?’. A critical evaluation of the development and delivery of flexible learning programmes as part of a HEFCE-Catalyst-funded project ‘Towards Higher Apprenticeships’ which helped pave the way for Degree Apprenticeships. He regularly contributes the Media Education Summit and most recently he carried out an co-creation research project on action learning sets and design thinking.

Pringle, A, Smith, A. and Zwolinsky, S. and Berry, R. (2012) Premier League Health: National Evaluation of the Local Exercise Action Pilots. London, English Premier League.

Berry, R. and Mackreth, K. (2011) The childhood activity market: A consumer orientation approach to understanding physical activity behaviours. Carnegie Seed Grant. Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Berry, R. (2011) Creating a Framework for Creativity. ALT Journal. Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Berry, R. (2011) Action Replays for Sport Results: contributing to research on using feedback to improve learning and gain student satisfaction. FLAP Conference. Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University.

Berry, R. (2010) Maximising Opportunities: Marketing a University through Sport. British Universities & Colleges Sport Conference. Keele University.

Berry, R. (2009) Successful Branding in Higher Education. Discovering Futures HE Conference. London, London School of Economics.