Dr Alireza Nazarian

Alireza Nazarian finished his PhD in Management Studies at Brunel University in London, UK. His doctoral thesis focuses on culture-effectiveness relationship and impact of leadership style as a mediator and national culture and organisational size as moderators on culture-effectiveness relationship in the private sector organisations.
Alireza is the founder of Management & Business Academy and The chair of the MBAcademy International Business Conference. He also serves as the Editor-in-Cheif of the Journal of Organisational studies and innovation as well as the senior editor of the European Journal of International Management and editor of Cogent Business Management.
He has been teaching at different universities in London since 2013. From 2013 to 2016 he was working at the University of West London as the PG director and senior lecturer in Business & Management. In 2016 he moved to University of Roehampton and hold a senior lecturer position in International and Cross-Cultural Management. Finally, he moved to University of Westminster in Aug 2020 and now he is holding a senior lecturer position at Management at Westminster Business School
He has developed a wide range of research interests including business management, cross cultural studies and HRM. Furthermore, he has developed research skills within different research areas for using various research approaches from quantitative and qualitative to mixed methods. His current research interest is to use his mixed research background in business, international business and cultural studies to enhance different managerial functions within organizations locally and globally. He is interested in looking at the behavioural, organisational, and managerial aspects of different management functions within various types of organizations. In particular, he is interested in the following main research themes:
1- Organisational studies and organisational change
2- Cross cultural studies (national and organisational culture)
3- Leadership studies and development through cultural changes
4- Organisational effectiveness and performance
Membership of Professional Bodies
· Chartered Management Institute (CMgr CMI)
· British Academy of Management (BAM)
· Academy of International Business (AIB)
· Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
My research focuses on the investigation of cause-effect-relationships in different fields of Business & Management, primarily in organisational studies. I am particularly interested in analysing how culture, both national and organisational, influences other aspect of organisation like leadership, effectiveness and performance (Cameron and Quinn, 2011).
To date, I have worked in several different research areas in the field of management studies: the theoretical background of my work in the organisational studies field on culture lies in the Competing Value Framework (Cameron and Quinn, 2011), national culture (Hofstede et al., 2010), organisational effectiveness (Quinn, and Rohrbaugh, 1983) transactional and transformational leadership (Burns, 1978; Bass and Avilio, 1994), Ethical and Servant leadership (Brown, et al 2005; Liden et al., 2015), Organisational justice (Nadiri and Tanova’s , 2010), OCB (Wang and Wong, 2011) and others. I have also been involved in some studies that are not directly related to my primary research interest such as the glass-ceiling, consumer behaviour, accounting, customer satisfaction and co-creation and these have had an indirect impact on expanding my research interests from culture to those areas. Although my research is predominantly quantitative based, I have also been involved in several qualitative studies in different disciplines from management and organisational studies to marketing and HRM. Furthermore, in recent years I have expand my field of research to other sectors such as tourism and hospitality and SMEs, which I strongly believe have great potential and I recently published papers in these sectors.
My current research focuses primarily in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry on themes like leadership styles and culture development (both national and organisational), in any size of organisation and looks at the effect of these on the organisational performance and effectiveness. I am interested not only in developing methods to assess these factors but also examining interventions designed to improve these processes through other factors like reward mechanisms, job satisfaction, trust, organisational commitment, OCB, organisational justice, ability to acquire resources and personal and professional development. I am also collaborating with colleagues internationally on several empirical studies on customer satisfaction, consumer behaviour and the glass-ceiling
Conference Director, MBAcademy International Business Conferences since 2015 (www.mbacademy.org.uk)
· Editor in chief: Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation
· Senior Editor: European Journal of International Management (ABS1)
· Editor: Cogent Business and Management (ABS1)
· Editorial Board: Iranian Journal of Management Studies (ABS1)
· Associate Editor: International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change
· Editorial Board: Journal of Eastern European and Central research
· Editorial Board: Independent Journal of Management and Production
He has had 5 PhD to completion and is currently Superisving 3 PhD students
He is interested in the research area including but only
1- Cross-Cultural studies
2- Leadership and change
3- Organisational behavior
4- Positive employee behaviour
5- Tourism industry
He has examined 4 PhD candidates from different universities and also being a member of PhD committee in Iranian University acting as chair or internal examiner