Biographical Reflections on Academic Freedom: Part One McCluskey, E., Bigo, D., Kopper, A., Guild, E., De Genova, N., Kurze, A., Leander, A., Goetze, C., Maguire, M. and Tsoukala, A. 2024. Biographical Reflections on Academic Freedom: Part One. Political Anthropological Research on International Social Sciences. 5 (1), pp. 5-37.
Towards democratic intelligence oversight: Limits, practices, struggles Kniep, R., Aradau, C., Treguer, F., Ewert, L., McCluskey, E. and Leon-Reyes, B. 2024. Towards democratic intelligence oversight: Limits, practices, struggles. Review of International Studies. 50 (1), pp. 209-229.
From abuse to trust and back again McCluskey, E. and Aradau, C. 2024. From abuse to trust and back again. in: Bigo, D., McCluskey, E. and Treguer, F. (ed.) Intelligence oversight in times of transnational impunity: Who will watch the watchers? London Routledge.