Ms Adrija Dey

Dr Adrija Dey is a UKRI Future Leader Senior Research Fellow at the School of Social Science and School of Media and Communication at the University of Westminster. Her research project is titled "Decolonising Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Higher Education: Innovations in Theory, Policy and Practice".
She was previously a Lecturer in Digital Media at the University of Sussex and British Academy post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Development Studies, SOAS, where her project was titled “Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in Indian Universities: A Study of Campus Life, Student Activism, and Institutional Responses.”
Adrija’s research is interdisciplinary in nature, and draws from a wide range of methodologies within gender studies, politics, media, and development studies. Particularly, her work focuses on sexual and gender based violence, feminist social movements, student activism, digital activism, new media, misinformation and surveillance.
She conducts her research with a focus on the Global South and through a decolonial and intersectional Marxist feminist lens. Adrija is the author of Nirbhaya: New Media and Digital Gender Activism. She has been a vocal campaigner against sexual misconduct in Higher Education and currently is the Director of International Knowledge Exchange at the 1752 group.
Dey, A. (2018) Nirbhaya, New Media and Digital Gender Activism. London: Emerald Publishing
Peer reviewed Journal Articles
1. Adrija Dey (2023) It’s a joke, not a dick. So don’t take it too hard”: online sexual harassment in Indian universities, Feminist Media Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2023.2266150
2. Dey, A. (2022). ‘We are Louder when we are Heard Together’: Sara Ahmed on Complaint!. Wasafiri, 37(1), 22-30.
3. Dey, A., & Mendes, K. (2021). ‘It started with this one post’:# MeToo, India and higher education. Journal of Gender Studies, 1-12.
4. Dey, A. (2020). ‘Me Too’and the ‘List’–Power Dynamics, Shame, and Accountability in Indian Academia. IDS Bulletin, 51(2), 63-79.
5. Molyneux, M., Dey, A., Gatto, M. A., & Rowden, H. (2020). Feminist activism 25 years after Beijing. Gender & Development, 28(2), 315-336.
6. Dey, A. (2020). Sites of Exception: Gender Violence, Digital Activism, and Nirbhaya’s Zone of Anomie in India. Violence against women, 26(11), 1423-1444.
7. Dey, A. (2019). ‘Others’ within the ‘Others’-An Intersectional Analysis of Gender Violence in India Gender Issues, 36 (4), 357–373.
Published Book Chapters
1. Bull, A.L. and Dey, A (2022) Power, hierarchies and higher education : Rape on campus in India and the UK. In: Miranda A. H. Horvath & Jennifer M. Brown (eds.) Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking – 10 Years On. Routledge .
2. Dey, A. & Olabode, S. (2020) Comparative Cyberconflict Study of the Use of Digital Technologies for Protests: The Occupy Nigeria Movement and Delhi Nirbhaya Movement. A. Karatzogianni, I. Ferra and M. Schandorf, eds. Technology and Revolution: Ideology, Communication and Organisation in the Longue Durée, Bingley: Emerald.
3. Dey, A. (2016) Online Gender Activism in India and the participation of Indian Diaspora 2012-2015. In A. Karatzogianni, D. Ngyen and E. Serafinelli, eds. The Digital Transformation of the Public Sphere, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 149-168.
4. Dey, A. and Orton, B. (2016) Gender and Class Intersectionality in India: An Analysis of the Nirbhaya Case December 16th, 2012. In S. Takhar, eds. Gender and Race Matter: Global Perspectives on Being a Woman, UK: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 87-105.
5. Dey, A. (2016) A brief exploration of the effects of ICTs and social media on the gender activism in India post-December 16, 2012. In C. Cerqueira, R. Cabecinhas & S. I. Magalhães, eds. Gender in focus: (new) trends in media. Braga, Portugal: CECS - Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, pp. 187- 204.
Other publications
1. Dey, A, November 2023, blog post Gender.ed Blogathon. #Metoo India: Why are survivors turning to online spaces for justice?
2. Dey, A, 1 May, 2023. Global partnership would help tackle sexual and gender-based violence. Times Higher Education.
3. North-South Feminist Dialogue: Online Sexual Harassment in Higher Education (HE)(2022),
4. North-South Feminist Dialogue: Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Higher Education-Report (2020)
5. Molyneux, M., Dey, A., Gatto, M. & Rowden, H. (2019, 25-26 September). UN Women Expert Group Meeting, Sixty-fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 64). The New Feminist Activism 1970-2019: Intergenerational Perspectives.
6. Rape Culture and Hindutva in India Podcast- 47 Roots
7. MeToo Podcast- Newsreel World and Whistledown Productions.
8. Researcher- The Saffron Republic (documentary film).
9. Dey, A., Chawla, C. & Chakravarty, S. (2019, 14 March). Why Indians in the UK are mobilising against the Modi government.
10. Dey, A. (29 January 2019). Breaking the Locks: A New Phase in the Indian Women’s Movement.
11. Dey, A. (2018, 17 December). #MeToo on Indian university campuses: Heart breaking and hopeful. Online available at:
12. Dey, A. & Deshmukh, R (2018, 27 March). Feminist Student Movements on University Campuses in India: Consent, Security and Patriarchal Protection.
13. (2018), Is India failing its women? Television panel discussion for TRT world.