Dr Anjali Ghosh

I completed my PhD in Applied Sciences by genome analysis of large virulence and heavy metal resistance plasmid in Salmonella enterica serovar. I had also completed MSc in animal Biotechnology and BSc in Biological sciences from India. In Reading University, I investigated effects of phytoestrogens on MCF7 breast cancer cell lines. Following to that I moved to NHS pathology labs to train as a biomedical scientist . I completed my IBMS registration portfolio and became HCPC registered Biomedical Scientist. I also completed a second Masters from University of Surrey in Biomedical Science. I am a fellow of IBMS. I continued teaching in HE sector and completed PGCE and accreditation from Higher Education Agency (SFHEA).
Presently I am Course Leader BSc Applied Biomedical Science ( apprenticeship route) and Module leader for ALiPP, Deputy Module leader LiPP.
Contact details -
Email- a.ghosh@westminster.ac.uk
Tel- 020 7911 5000 ext 65480
Twitter - @AGhosha11
In my lab I study bacterial biofilm, investigating genes responsible for proliferation, adhesion and virulence with the locus on genome. I like to explore enteric, plastic degrading and other pathogenic bacteria. Bacterial serovar are grown to investigate adherence and biofilm formation abilities. The biofilms are subjected to various quantification studies. Cell viability assay are performed to probe the role of quorum chemicals. Expression of genes responsible for biofilm formation or disruption are probed as an essential part of this study.
Original Reports
V. A. Varney, A. Warner, A. Ghosh, A. Nicholas, and N. Sumar (2012) IgE-Mediated Anaphylaxis to Foods, Venom, and Drugs: Influence of Serum Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Levels and Genotype. Journal of Allergy, Volume 2012, Article ID 258145, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/258145
Ekbote A, Ghosh A, and Nagendran V. (2010) A tale of two sisters. Poster presented at National meet on Hereditary Angioedema held at St. Helier Hospital, June 2010.
Varney VA, Warner A, Ghosh Anjali, Nicholas A, Sumar N. (2008) Angiotensin converting enzyme-gene polymorphisms in normal subjects, atopics individuals and patients with anaphylaxis to venom, foods & drugs. Poster presented at EAACI meeting at Barcelona, June 2008.
Matsumura A, Ghosh Anjali, Pope G.S. and Darbre .P.D. (2005) Comparative study of oestrogenic properties of eight phytoestrogens in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells.Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vol. 94, April 2005 Pg. 431-443.
Ghosh Anjali, Singh Amrika, Singh V.P. and Ramteke .P. W (2000) Characterization of large plasmids encoding resistance to toxic heavy metals in Salmonella abortus equi. Biochemical Biophysical research communication. (BBRC), USA, Vol. 272, No.1 May 27, Pg. 6-11
Ghosh Anjali, Singh V.P., and Prasad Narsingh (1995) Effect on virulence in Salmonella abortus equi following exposure to elevated temperature or ethidium bromideIndian Vet. Journal. Vol. 72, Pg 1125- 1128.
Ghosh Anjali, Singh V.P., and Prasad Narsingh (1994) Effect of plasmid cured Salmonella abortus equi on antibiotic sensitivity. Indian Journal of Vet. Research. Vol.3, No.1, Pg59-61.Poster Presentation
Presentation of seminar on Comparative study of oestrogenic properties of eight phytoestrogens in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Annual Meeting of FSA, York, U.K. (2002)
Introduction of antibiotic resistance plasmid of Salmonella abortus equi in Escherichia coli. International Seminar on Virus Cell Interaction: Cellular and Molecular response, Bangalore, India (1995)
Isolation, purification and restriction enzyme analysis of extra chromosomal DNA in Indian isolates of Salmonella abortus equi. IAAVR Conference and National Symposium (1995)
Effect of plasmid curing on virulence of Salmonella abortus equi to albino mice.
IAAVR National Symposium (1995)