Dr Erendira Leon Bravo

I am a Lecturer in Economics. I have joined Westminster Business School in March 2022. Previously, I taught at the University of Sussex. I have a PhD in Economics and a MSc in Development Economics from the University of Sussex. I graduated from the University of the Americas-Puebla in Mexico with a BSc in Economics.
I am an applied research economist with broad experience working at different research institutions in Mexico such as Development and Alimentary Sustainability Organisation (DAS), Research Institute for Sustainable Development and Social Equality (IDSES), and the Mexican National Council of Social Policy Evaluation (CONEVAL). And Social Enterprises based in the UK such as The Washing Machine Project (TWMP).
My main research evaluates the impacts of governmental policies on peoples’ labour market outcomes. I am also interested in addressing development issues such as poverty and inequalities, and appreciate the role that education and labour market can play in their alleviation.