Dr Simon Thorpe

Dr Simon Thorpe joined Westminster Law School as Lecturer in 2022 after completing a postdoctoral Early Career Fellowship at the University of Warwick's Institute of Advanced Study, and before that a PhD in Law at Warwick Law School. Venturing further into the past, Simon holds an LLM in Human Rights from Birkbeck, University of London, and BA (Hons) Music from Edinburgh Napier University.
At Westminster Law School, as of 2024-25, Simon is course leader for LLM Advanced Legal Research; Law Foundation Coordinator; School Admissions Tutor; and co-module leader for Public Law.
Simon's research exists at the intersection of law and politics - most specifically, post-marxist and other heterodox approaches to constitutional theory, social movement studies, and the concepts of prefiguration and hegemony. His PhD, titled 'Let’s Win Madrid: Radical Democracy and Prefigurative Constitutionality in the New Municipalism', analysed movement-parties as sources and objects of radical constitutional theory, focusing on the case study of municipalism in Madrid.
Simon welcomes expressions of interest for doctoral supervision in areas such as legal and constitutional theory, law and politics, social movement studies, (post-)marxism (including autonomous marxism, open marxism and Laclauian post-marxism), etc.