Mrs Filomena Russo

Filomena is an educator and an architect – having practised architecture, interiors, and urban design for over thirty years. She is a registered qualified architect in Brazil and the UK, and has practiced architecture in Brazil, Portugal, France, and the UK. Filomena is originally from Brazil, where she gained her first Diploma in Architecture and Urbanism at FAU-USP in São Paulo. She gained an MPhil in Environmental Design in Architecture from the University of Cambridge (2005): ‘Climatic Responsive Design in Modern Brazilian Architecture, with funding by the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
Filomena has lectured internationally on sustainable architectural design, health and wellbeing. In addition to her module leader role within the MSc in Architecture and Environmental Design at the University of Westminster, she is a thesis dissertation supervisor for the MArch at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.
MPhil (Cantab) Dip Arch (Hons) Dip Arch Urb RIBA ARB CAU
Following the MPhil, she has continued her research in architecture, environmental design, health and wellbeing with her current PhD studies at the University of Cambridge, as part of the UKRI Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) within the Sustainability, Prosperity and Wellbeing research cluster. Having researched transitional spaces within modern Brazilian architecture during her environmental design in architecture MPhil, Filomena’s current research is in the restorative potential of intermediate environments with focus on daylight and health, building from her previous research.