Dr Funminiyi Olajide

Dr Funminiyi Olajide is a Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom. Dr Olajide is currently the Course Leader for MSc Cyber Security and Forensics. Dr Olajide earned a PhD in the United Kingdom with a primary research focus on areas such as Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Incident Response and Management of Cybercrime. His current teaching interest are in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, and he has extended experience in teaching modules in these subjects, including Principles of Digital Forensics, Information Security Governance and Compliance, Digital Forensics, and Incident Response (DFIR), Cyber Security Threats and Countermeasures, and Cyber Security and Forensics Projects.
Dr Olajide is a Member, Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (CSFS-UK), Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy, (SFHEA-UK) and a Fellow, of the British Computer Society, (FBCS-UK), since April 2012. He is Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of e-Healthcare Information Systems Editor–in-Chief-IJE-HIS
Dr Olajide supervises research for BSc, final year undergraduate projects (FYUGPs), MSc, postgraduate research methods (PGRMs) and PhD (Doctoral Research Students). In recent times (29 August 2023), one of my PhD students (Dr Olatorera Chidozie Williams) completed his PhD research work, passed his viva examination, and is now awarded PhD. Dr Olajide is expecting some PhD Students starting in January 2024, as Director of Studies (DoS), here at the University of Westminster, London. United Kingdom.
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the following areas:
· Cyber Security
· Digital Forensics (Malware Analysis) and Incident Response
· Cloud Computing
Dr Olajide has both technical and management knowledge experience in computing, digital forensics investigations, cybercrime and incident response, information and cyber security, engineering systems designs and technology products management, focusing on knowledge application of:
Digital Investigations | Computer Forensics | Mobile Forensics | Social Media Forensics | Windows Forensics | Cloud Forensics | VoIP Forensics | File Systems Forensics | Cyber Forensics | Windows Logs and AWS Security | Incident Response and Event Reconstruction.
Enterprise Agility | Vulnerability Assessment and Assurance | e-Discovery and e-Disclosure | Cyber Security Management | SOC and Risk Classification.
Cloud Computing | Digital Transformation | Big Data Analytics Management | Enterprise Communication Management Systems.
Dr Olajide's main research interests include Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Incident Response and Event Reconstruction, Digital Investigations, Information Security and Assurance, Cyber Security, and Information Systems Management, IS Global Business Management, IS/IT Project Management, Enterprise and Cloud Computing Systems.
Career Overview
Dr Funminiyi Olajide is a seasoned IT|IS|CS|T24 analyst with over 32 years of professional experience, of which more than half focuses on universities research development, teaching lecturing and training activities, with 12 years of experience in technical, practical and business-related-T24 TEMENOS Globus Banking Operations and Consultancy Management in various IT|IS-Banking Industries. He has a demonstrated history of business technology and project management of IT|IS|CS|T24, with Cyber Forensic Investigation Research in Human, Society and Technology.
Dr Olajide has strong educational qualifications with a PhD Award in Cybersecurity: Digital Forensics Investigations, Cyber Incident Response and Cybercrime Management from the University of Portsmouth, UK. In addition, he has two Postgraduate degrees, Master of Science (MSc) in Forensics Information Technology from the University of Portsmouth, UK and Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with Distinctions from the Edge Hill University, UK.
Prior to joining the University of Westminster this year 2023, Dr Olajide, was a Senior Lecturer (at Nottingham Trent University), worked as a Course Leader and Module Leader; the Director of Studies to PhD (Doctoral) PGR students (one completed 29 August 2023), and with the remaining four PhD Doctoral Students on-going research work in-progress (acting as External Supervisor), and mentored colleagues at the Department of Computer Science, School of Science and Technology (SST), Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom.
In the past Dr Funminiyi Olajide was a Researcher in Digital Forensics, Incident Response, a Lecturer at the University of Portsmouth and ICP College (Navitas), Portsmouth, UK., just to mention a few. He has worked in professional research projects of Information Systems, Application Analysis, SCADA Forensics, Information and Cyber Security Management of various projects, focusing on research agenda of the National Protective Security Authority UK (NPSA-UK), Defence IT and SoC @Airbus, with knowledge understanding of PLC-HMI-SCADA, IoT and IIoT integration.
Dr Olajide also has research and teaching collaborations with other universities. He has written and published in some high-ranking impact factors of Journals and Conference papers at both local and at international level.
Key research projects include:
· Application analysis of user input information on Windows Computer Systems.
· Criminological concepts of cybercrime in business organisations.
· Security of user input in business application, risks, control, and mitigation.
· Cyber-attack, detection and incident response in new emerging trends of business application and cloud infrastructures.
· Memory forensics, mobile forensics investigations and event reconstruction of user input on business applications.
· Digital forensics investigation of large data sets in business applications, analysis, and digital evidence presentation for security measures.
· ISM policy formulation for data privacy and implementation of information security in related technologies, policies, and practices in an organisation context.
In summary, the research work focuses on developing tools, formulation techniques and metrics for security framework and cyber security management, focusing on cross and inter-disciplinary research agenda for IT/IS/CS and project management in business organisations against cyber-attacks.