Dr. Anastasia Alexeeva is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Management and Marketing at Westminster Business School. She is s a College Disability Tutor for Westminster Business School. She has a wealth of academic achievement, including a PhD from Royal Holloway University, First Class Honours from Royal Holloway in Management with Human Resources and Distinction in MSc International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management from the London School of Economics. She attained the highest GPA on the Management course, for which she received an academic award. She has also received a full Dean’s scholarship to study for her PhD. Her prior experience as a Lecturer and Teaching Fellow, coupled with her industry background in software engineering, provides a valuable blend of theoretical and practical knowledge. Before joining Westminster she has worked as an Associate Lecturer and Teaching Fellow at the Royal Holloway University of London, Birkbeck University of London and Coventry University London.
Her principal research interests include employee representation and participation, global industrial relations and employee voice. Her current research focuses on the operation of global enterprise-based worker bodies in large multinational companies and aims to provide an understanding of their effectiveness against the complex institutional background to employee representation at global level.