Dr. Ceylan Begüm Yıldız is a lecturer in Criminology. Previously she was a Lecturer in Law at the University of Sussex, Visiting Lecturer in Law at King’s Collage London, and Associate Tutor in Law at Birkbeck College. She holds a PhD in Law from Birkbeck College, MA in Human Rights Law and BA in Political Science from Istanbul Bilgi University.
Dr. Yıldız’s research is concerned with social justice and her research sits in the intersection of law, politics, criminology, sociology, and philosophy. Her research interests include political and legal violence, legal and political performativity, legal processes of accountability, public demands of accountability, disobedience, and subjectivity. Her doctoral thesis, titled ‘“The Murderer State Will be Held to Account”: The Myth of the State and its Violence’ analysis manifestation of state violence in the form of police violence and its legal unaccountability, while inquiring; How do the meanings and assumptions concerning state violence impact the political demands and legal processes of accountability? She is currently completing her monograph based on her doctorate research.
Her current research analysis police violence cases from different jurisdictions with the aim of exposing global patterns of unaccountability in the legal and political aftermath of police violence incidences.