Dr Filippo Marchetti

Dr Filippo Marchetti is a Senior Lecturer at Westminster Law School. His expertise lies at the crossroads of International Law, European Union Law, and the substantive regimes regulating the use of new and emerging technologies, most notably data protection and artificial intelligence regulation.
At the University of Westminster, Filippo explores the impact of new technologies on vulnerable individuals and groups, as well as the effectiveness of regulatory approaches and enforcement regimes in a rapidly changing, data-driven world.
He authored and co-authored several articles, book chapters, technical reports, and national reports on data protection & privacy, private international law, and technology law and policy, including publications on the Italian Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale and in Hart Publishing and Wolters Kluwer volumes.
Filippo presented his research findings at several international conferences, including a paper on the impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation on the Lugano Regime at the 2017 Biennial Conference of the Journal of Private International Law, and a presentation on the data-protection aspects of commercial drone operations at the 2019 RPAS CivOps Conference.
Prior to joining Westminster Law School, he was Head of Strategic Impact and the Data Protection Services Manager at Trilateral Research, where he led the delivery of research and advisory services to dozens of organisations in the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United States, as well as international organisations and agencies. Most notably, Filippo provided advice to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the European Medicines Agency, the European Central Bank, the European Banking Authority, the University of Cambridge, and several companies in the biotech and space sectors.
Earlier in his career, he worked as a Research Fellow in International and European Union Law at the University of Milan, where he participated in several EU-funded projects and contributed to the activities of the International Law Association’s Committee on the Protection of Privacy in Private International Law.
Filippo is also a non-tenured Adjunct Professor of International Law and European Union Law at Bocconi University (Milan).
He holds a doctoral degree in International Law and Economics from Bocconi University and a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Milan.
In his free time, Filippo practices aikido and has a passion for aviation and astronomy.
At the University of Westminster, Filippo explores the impact of new technologies on vulnerable individuals, as well as the effectiveness of regulatory approaches and enforcement regimes in a rapidly changing, data-driven landscape.
His research expertise lies at the crossroads of:
Filippo is the Co-Director of the Westminster Law and Technology Hub.