Dr Dan Petrosian

Dr Dan Petrosian is a Lecturer & Acting Senior Personal Tutor in Criminology at the University of Westminster, and an Associate Lecturer in Criminology at The Open University. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
Dan is a visual criminologist and anti-racism activist. He is interested in conducting research using visual criminology (combination of video activism and photovoice) to continue to empower marginalised social groups, specifically migrants and refugees, to reinforce racial and ethnic justice. His methodological specialisms are in the fields of ethnography, observation, framing and qualitative frame analysis.
Bozkurt, S. and Petrosian, V. (2025) 'Intersecting Paths of Oppression: Understanding the Lived Experiences of Minoritised Mothers in Prison', Critical Criminology [Forthcoming].
Cortvriend, A. and Petrosian, V. (2025) ‘Intersectional harm and motherhood in the British asylum system’, British Journal of Criminology (Special Issue) [Forthcoming].
Cortvriend, A. and Petrosian, V. (2024) 'Guilt, shame and motherhood in the British asylum system: The experiences and emotions of harm', 24th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. Bucharest, Romania 11-14 Sep 2024.
Petrosian, V. (2023). 'Anti-Racist Video Activism: Framing and production of new knowledges that challenge the post-truth hegemonic project', University of Westminster (PhD Thesis, University of Westminster).
Petrosian, V. and Famosaya, P. (2023). 'Active Blended Learning: Implications for academics and students in the post-pandemic period', University of Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference 2023 (22 Jun 2023: University of Northampton).