Dr Ilias Kazanis

Jan 2024: Lecturer in Cell Pathology, School of Life Sciences, University of Westminster, London, UK
2022- 2024: Assistant Professor in Developmental Biology, Department of Biology, University of Patras and, visiting Senior Research Associate, University of Cambridge, UK
2014- 2022: Lecturer in Developmental Biology, Department of Biology, University of Patras and, visiting Senior Research Associate, University of Cambridge, UK
2011-14 Senior Research Associate, Wellcome Trust- Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge (in the group of Prof. Robin Franklin).
2011: Wellcome Trust Value in People fellow, Wellcome Trust- Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of Cambridge.
2005-2010: Research Associate, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge (in the group of Prof. Charles ffrench-Constant).
[2004: Compulsory army service]
2001- 2002: Researcher, Lab of Biology-school of Nursing, Kapodistrian University of Athens.
2002- 2003: Post-doctoral training, Mammalian Neurogenesis group, Clinical Sciences Centre, Medical Research Council & Imperial College, London.
2002: PhD thesis, Internal Pathology– Medical School and School of Nursing, National Kapodistrian University of Athens.
“Study of tissue alterations in site of injury in the Central Nervous System of rats”
2000: Visiting researcher, Université 7, Laboratoire de Physiopathologie de la Nutrition, Paris.
1997: Degree, Department of Biology, University of Patras.
• PI: “From blood to brain: Platelets as novel regulators of brain stem cells in their niches, in neurodegeneration and in remyelinaton”. Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (March 2020- March 2023) [€180000]
• PI: “Investigation of the beneficial effects of the microneurotrophin BNN-20 in neurons derived from induced Pluripotent Stem Cells of patients with Parkinson’s disease and in the success of neural stem cell transplantations in an animal model of the disease”, ΕΣΠΑ (March 2020- December 2021) [€48000]
• PI: “Cellular senescence in populations of postnatal brain Neural Stem Cells (pbNSCs). Controlled by the microenvironment and controlling neurogenesis versus oligodendrogenesis”, Fondation Sante (Feb 2019- April 2021) [€50000]
• Co-PI (PI: Prof. Robin Franklin): “Demyelinating disorders – neural stem cell therapy for leukodystrophies”, Action Medical Research (Dec. 2014- May 2018) [£199751]
• Named researcher (PI: Prof. Robin Franklin): “Do all brain neural stem cells age at the same rate?” from BBSRC (Aug. 2011- July 2014) [£355220].
• Collaborator (PI: Prof. T. Fotsis): “The role and mechanisms of asymmetric cell divisions in the differentiation of stem cells” (ADiSC). Θαλής, (2012- 2015) [€600000].