Institutional logics in research supervision

Nordberg, D. 2011. Institutional logics in research supervision. University of Westminster.

TitleInstitutional logics in research supervision
AuthorsNordberg, D.
TypeTechnical report

According to Halse and Malfroy (2010) research supervision should be viewed as a profession. Professions have their own institutional norms, of course; explicit norms are what makes something a profession, rather than a craft. But in the world of

contemporary higher education, where the word "institution" is often used to denote the organization of the university and the bureaucracy of HE policy-making, the

institutionalized aspects of professional life can get lost. This paper examines the growing literature on research supervision through the lenses of a) knowledge theory, with its tacit, explicit and latent dimensions; and b) new institutional theory, with its focus on the diffusion of norms of social practices through isomophorism. It identifies three competing institutional logics: the traditional "craft" approach, an emerging "factory" mentality of measurable outcomes and target, and a middle way – a

"professional" logic. The paper concludes with a discussion of the role of

accountability and how it influences the legitimacy of these competing institutional logics.

YearJun 2011
PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Publication dates
PublishedJun 2011
Web address (URL)

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