Development of waveguide filter structures for wireless and satellite communications

Glubokov, O. 2011. Development of waveguide filter structures for wireless and satellite communications. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Electronics and Computer Science

TitleDevelopment of waveguide filter structures for wireless and satellite communications
TypePhD thesis
AuthorsGlubokov, O.

This thesis explores the possibilities of the design and realization of compact conventional and substrate integrated waveguide structures with improved performance taking advantage of recent cross-coupled resonator filters theory achievements such as the modular filter design approach using non-resonating nodes and inline extracted pole filters. Therefore, the core of the thesis presents the following stages of work:

-- Solution of electromagnetic problem for wave propagation in rectangular waveguide structures; overview of substrate integrated waveguides.

-- Review of available design procedures for cross-coupled resonator filters; realization of coupling matrix synthesis methods by optimization.

-- Investigation of the possibility to implement filtering modules using E-plane metallo-dielectric inserts in conventional rectangular waveguides. Application of the modules in configurations of bandpass and dual-band filters. Experimental verification of the filters.

-- Implementation of inline extracted pole filters using E-plane inserts in rectangular waveguides. Use of generalized coupling coefficients concept for individual or coupled extracted pole sections. Development of new extracted pole sections. Application of the sections in the design of compact cross-coupled filters with improved stopband performance.

-- Application of the techniques developed for conventional rectangular waveguides to substrate integrated technology. Development of a new negative coupling structure for folded substrate integrated resonators. Design of improved modular and extracted pole filters using substrate integrated waveguides.

PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Publication dates
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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