Understanding the strategic organization propensity through "Managerial Discussion and Analysis"

Pisano, P., Vagnani, G., Pironti, M., Simoni, M. and Giraudo, M. 2011. Understanding the strategic organization propensity through "Managerial Discussion and Analysis". International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance. 2 (2), pp. 147-153.

TitleUnderstanding the strategic organization propensity through "Managerial Discussion and Analysis"
AuthorsPisano, P., Vagnani, G., Pironti, M., Simoni, M. and Giraudo, M.

The objective of this work is to investigate the content analysis methodology in the strategic propensity such as explorative/exploitative behavior. After theoretical analysis on the meaning and definition of exploitation and exploration, the authors have applied the content analysis methodology to a practice case. The conclusion is that the qualitative content analysis is a good methodology to study the strategy propensity having the same results of the other methodologies used in the strategy researches such as practice case and grounded theory.

JournalInternational Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance
Journal citation2 (2), pp. 147-153
PublisherInternational Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
Web address (URL)http://www.ijtef.org/abstract/94-F10071.htm
Publication dates

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