Social diversity: the implications for graphology

Bradley, N. 2009. Social diversity: the implications for graphology. in: Proceedings of the 4th International Graphological Congress organised by the Italian Graphological Association (AGI) in Florence, Italy, 6-8 March 2009 AGI. pp. 420-429

Chapter titleSocial diversity: the implications for graphology
AuthorsBradley, N.

Graphological investigations into nationality are not new and literature show that graphology can be applied to Hebrew, Arabic, Cyrillic and the many other forms of written expression. This paper aims to explore multi-ethnic society along with cultural and social integration. The aim is to discover any implications for graphology. The author makes the observation that Darwin’s theory of evolution applies to human society. Specifically there is a struggle, no two individuals are the same and we are in a state of change. To show evidence of social diversity, the population of a part of London is examined. The developmental model proposed by the psychologist Erik H. Erikson is then applied to the arrival of people into an existing society. This then leads to the identification of twelve different types of people who may come to the attention of the graphologist. The analysis of three of these should be limited to graphologists who specialise in children. The other nine types are likely to be part of the work of any graphologist. Handwritings from these groups must show a great degree of variability from each other and may be very different from the integrated members of a population. The author therefore suggests that graphologists should know the type before starting an analysis. If interpretation is enriched by prior knowledge of sex, age and handedness, then multicultural typology information must surely be of benefit to all parties concerned.

KeywordsGraphology, diversity, recruitment, handwriting, personality, Erikson
Book titleProceedings of the 4th International Graphological Congress organised by the Italian Graphological Association (AGI) in Florence, Italy, 6-8 March 2009
Page range420-429
Publication dates

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