Engendering a culture of quality enhancement in teaching and learning: lessons learned

Eales-Reynolds, L.J. and Rugg, E. 2009. Engendering a culture of quality enhancement in teaching and learning: lessons learned. Proceedings of the OECD Conference "What Works Conference on Quality Teaching in Higher Education". Istanbul 12 - 13 Oct 2009

TitleEngendering a culture of quality enhancement in teaching and learning: lessons learned
AuthorsEales-Reynolds, L.J. and Rugg, E.
TypeConference paper

Enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in higher education has been on the English national agenda for more than a decade. The Government and funding organisations have enabled universities to focus on creating a culture of excellence in learning and teaching and continuing academic and professional development. This paper describes some of the strategies that have promoted a culture of quality teaching in higher education in England and how one organisation, the University of Westminster has implemented those strategies to engender a culture of quality enhancement and continuing professional development.

ConferenceProceedings of the OECD Conference "What Works Conference on Quality Teaching in Higher Education"
Publication dates
Web address (URL) of conference proceedingshttp://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/5/41/43977642.pdf

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