Complementary therapies education for the 21st century

Isbell, B. 2008. Complementary therapies education for the 21st century. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. 5 (2), pp. 177-188.

TitleComplementary therapies education for the 21st century
AuthorsIsbell, B.

Over the past ten years, an innovative portfolio of over 30 courses

in Complementary Therapies (CT) has been developed at the University

of Westminster, London, UK. The degrees were the first of their kind and

the portfolio now provides the widest selection of CT courses in Europe.

This paper explores the history and context of this comprehensive portfolio.

The nature of the shared innovative health sciences, practitioner development

and research themes of the degrees are described. The role of the unique

Polyclinic in preparing students to work in the integrated inter-professional

healthcare provision of the 21st century is discussed.

Keywordscomplementary therapies education; integrated healthcare; complementary therapies clinic; reflective practice; practice-based learning; practitioner development skills; collaborative practice; inter-professional learning; multidisciplinary education; complementary and alternative medicine
JournalWorld Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
Journal citation5 (2), pp. 177-188
Web address (URL)
Publication dates

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