The role of teleworking in Britain: its implications for the transport system and economic evaluation

White, P., Christodoulou, G., Mackett, R., Titheridge, H., Thoreau, R. and Polak, J. 2007. The role of teleworking in Britain: its implications for the transport system and economic evaluation. in: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, 17-19 Oct 2007, Leiden, the Netherlands Association for European Transport.

Chapter titleThe role of teleworking in Britain: its implications for the transport system and economic evaluation
AuthorsWhite, P., Christodoulou, G., Mackett, R., Titheridge, H., Thoreau, R. and Polak, J.

The probable impacts of teleworking in Britain were assessed through analysis of the National Travel Survey, and interviews with major organisations in the London area. These indicate relatively modest effects overall, but a growing element of part-week teleworking at home.

KeywordsTeleworking, transport, Britain
Book titleProceedings of the European Transport Conference, 17-19 Oct 2007, Leiden, the Netherlands
PublisherAssociation for European Transport
Publication dates
EventEuropean Transport Conference

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