Underhill Circus public artwork

Dunn, P. 2006. Underhill Circus public artwork. Barton, Oxford.

TitleUnderhill Circus public artwork
CreatorsDunn, P.

Following workshops with the local community special lighting was designed for the amphitheatre area of the Circus - a coloured ‘wall-wash’ curtain of light runs along the shops, coloured spots create spokes of light across the floor of the amphitheatre, imaged floor lights punctuate the central path: the main focus are 6 off illuminated imaged glass panels framed in stainless steel (2.5m x 1m) which explore the history and identity of the Circus.

KeywordsArt, public domain, visual, imaged glass, lightworks
Year07 Dec 2006
Publication dates
Completed07 Dec 2006
Output mediaPublic art work

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Big Money is Moving in, Docklands Community Poster Project and posters from the East London Health Project
Leeson, L. and Dunn, P. 2015. Big Money is Moving in, Docklands Community Poster Project and posters from the East London Health Project. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid

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Dunn, P. 2007. Boscombe Reflections: Boscombe Library Façade. Boscombe Library, Bournemouth.

The Docklands photo-murals
Dunn, P. and Leeson, L. 2007. The Docklands photo-murals. in: Bradley, W. and Esche, C. (ed.) Art and social change: a critical reader UK Tate Publishing in Association with Afterall. pp. 245-248

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