From SMART to agent systems development

Ashri, R., Luck, M. and d'Inverno, M. 2005. From SMART to agent systems development. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 18 (2), pp. 129-140.

TitleFrom SMART to agent systems development
AuthorsAshri, R., Luck, M. and d'Inverno, M.

In order for agent-oriented software engineering to prove effective it must use principled notions of agents and enabling specification and reasoning, while still considering routes to practical implementation. This paper deals with the issue of individual agent specification and construction, departing from the conceptual basis provided by the smart agent framework. smart offers a descriptive specification of an agent architecture but omits consideration of issues relating to construction and control. In response, we introduce two new views to complement smart: a behavioural specification and a structural specification which, together, determine the components that make up an agent, and how they operate. In this way, we move from abstract agent system specification to practical implementation. These three aspects are combined to create an agent construction model, actsmart, which is then used to define the AgentSpeak(L) architecture in order to illustrate the application of actsmart.

KeywordsAgent architectures, Agent systems, Agent-oriented software engineering, Agent theory
JournalEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Journal citation18 (2), pp. 129-140
YearMar 2005
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
PublishedMar 2005

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