State and nation in the international law tradition: a history of French-German antagonisms and possible responses in the Spanish late medieval tradition

Carty, A. 2004. State and nation in the international law tradition: a history of French-German antagonisms and possible responses in the Spanish late medieval tradition. in: Stolleis, M. and Yanagihara, M. (ed.) East Asian and European Perspectives in the History of International Law Baden-Baden, Germany Nomos Verlag.

Chapter titleState and nation in the international law tradition: a history of French-German antagonisms and possible responses in the Spanish late medieval tradition
AuthorsCarty, A.
EditorsStolleis, M. and Yanagihara, M.
Book titleEast Asian and European Perspectives in the History of International Law
PublisherNomos Verlag
Publication dates
Place of publicationBaden-Baden, Germany
SeriesStudien zur Geschichte des Volkerrechts
Journal citation(7), pp. 215-242

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