Career paths and choices in a highly differentiated profession: the position of newly qualified solicitors

Boon, A., Duff, L. and Shiner, M. 2001. Career paths and choices in a highly differentiated profession: the position of newly qualified solicitors. Modern Law Review. 64 (4), pp. 563-594.

TitleCareer paths and choices in a highly differentiated profession: the position of newly qualified solicitors
AuthorsBoon, A., Duff, L. and Shiner, M.

Differences in the working lives of solicitors have become increasingly marked in recent years. Growing numbers of lawyers are employed in the public and corporate sectors and, with the increasing size and wealth of City of London commercial firms, there are significant differences between these firms and those 'high-street' firms that serve local communities. These differences impact on lawyers throughout training and beyond, both in terms of rites of passage into the profession and in conditions of employment. This research, the final stage in a longitudinal survey spanning the 1990s, combines quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the reactions of newly qualified solicitors to their work. Building on the project's previous surveys, which charted the nature of disadvantage suffered by many prospective entrants to the legal profession, the research finds a large measure of satisfaction regarding careers. It also identifies causes for concern, including increasing specialisation in legal education and the potential separation of the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of professional practice.

JournalModern Law Review
Journal citation64 (4), pp. 563-594
YearJul 2001
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
PublishedJul 2001

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