Ulster PD Scheme: Using e-portfolios and professional conversations to evidence recognition claims

Davies, V. and Floyd, S. 2013. Ulster PD Scheme: Using e-portfolios and professional conversations to evidence recognition claims. ASPIRE Symposium 2013: Dialogue & Courage. Exeter University, Exeter 13 Sep 2013

TitleUlster PD Scheme: Using e-portfolios and professional conversations to evidence recognition claims
AuthorsDavies, V. and Floyd, S.
TypeConference paper

Vicky Davies and Sarah Maguire are Professional Development Managers at the University of Ulster. They have many years of experience in delivering and assessing Higher Education Academy claims for recognition via accredited provision for new teaching staff and post-graduate students. More recently they led the development of the University of Ulster’s Professional Development Scheme http://www.ulster.ac.uk/centrehep/pds/ . The core elements of the PD Scheme are the production of an e-portfolio and an assessed professional conversation. This workshop will explore the learning they have acquired through developing this process and piloting it with applicants. You will have the opportunity to discuss this and to identify any transferability to your own practice.

ConferenceASPIRE Symposium 2013: Dialogue & Courage
Accepted author manuscript

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Professional recognition in Higher Education: institutional scholarship and academic development
Davies, V. 2014. Professional recognition in Higher Education: institutional scholarship and academic development. 2014 EDC Conference. Calgary, Alberta 19 Feb 2014

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