Using blackboard wiki pages as a shared space for simulating the professional translation work environment

Vine, J. 2015. Using blackboard wiki pages as a shared space for simulating the professional translation work environment. in: Borthwick, K., Kate, Corradini, E., Erika and Dickens, A. (ed.) 10 years of the LLAS elearning symposium: case studies in good practice Dublin: Ireland pp. 163-174

Chapter titleUsing blackboard wiki pages as a shared space for simulating the professional translation work environment
AuthorsVine, J.
EditorsBorthwick, K.
Corradini, E.
Dickens, A.

The Work-Integrated Simulation for Translators module is part of a three year undergraduate degree in translation. The semester long module aims to simulate several aspects of the translation process using the Blackboard virtual learning environment’s Wikis as the interface for completing translation tasks. For each translation task, one of the students is the translator and the other student is the reviser and evaluator. The source text (ST) is sent to the students with a translation brief and they have to co-ordinate between themselves via the Wiki to ensure the whole task is completed within one week. The feedback from the language tutor is also uploaded onto the Wiki, so that both students are able to access the feedback on all parts of the task. The students are also required to reflect on the experience through the journals tool in Blackboard.

KeywordsWiki, translator training, translator competences, procedural knowledge, pair work, reflection
Book title10 years of the LLAS elearning symposium: case studies in good practice
Page range163-174
Place of publicationDublin: Ireland
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
LicenseCC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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