Cities as International Actors: Urban and Regional Governance Beyond the Nation State

Herrschel, T. and Newman, P. 2017. Cities as International Actors: Urban and Regional Governance Beyond the Nation State. Basingstoke, UK Palgrave Macmillan.

TitleCities as International Actors: Urban and Regional Governance Beyond the Nation State
AuthorsHerrschel, T. and Newman, P.
KeywordsCities, international relations, state, metropolitan internationalisation, North America, Europe
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Publication dates
Published13 Feb 2017
Place of publicationBasingstoke, UK
Web address (URL)

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Newman, P. and Thornley, A. 2003. Globalization, world cities and urban planning: developing a conceptual framework. in: Rydin, Y. and Thornley, A. (ed.) Planning in a Global Era UK Ashgate. pp. 13-27

Die governance europaischer stadtregion
Newman, P. 2003. Die governance europaischer stadtregion. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung. (8/9), pp. 543-555.

Church Street Neighbourhood Forum
Newman, P. 2003. Church Street Neighbourhood Forum. Urbancanada, Stategic Planning Ltd.

The Stade de France: the last expression of French centralism?
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A continental ambience? A study of the urban management of mixed-use entertainment neighbourhoods in northern European cities
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Governance of Europe's city regions: planning, policy, and politics
Herrschel, T. and Newman, P. 2002. Governance of Europe's city regions: planning, policy, and politics. UK Routledge.

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