London: tourism moving East?

Maitland, R. and Newman, P. 2009. London: tourism moving East? in: Maitland, R. and Newman, P. (ed.) World tourism cities: developing tourism off the beaten track London Routledge.

Chapter titleLondon: tourism moving East?
AuthorsMaitland, R. and Newman, P.
EditorsMaitland, R. and Newman, P.
Book titleWorld tourism cities: developing tourism off the beaten track
Publication dates
Place of publicationLondon
SeriesRoutledge studies in contemporary geographies of leisure, tourism, and mobility

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Globalization, world cities and urban planning: developing a conceptual framework
Newman, P. and Thornley, A. 2003. Globalization, world cities and urban planning: developing a conceptual framework. in: Rydin, Y. and Thornley, A. (ed.) Planning in a Global Era UK Ashgate. pp. 13-27

Die governance europaischer stadtregion
Newman, P. 2003. Die governance europaischer stadtregion. Informationen zur Raumentwicklung. (8/9), pp. 543-555.

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Newman, P. 2003. Church Street Neighbourhood Forum. Urbancanada, Stategic Planning Ltd.

The impact of public interventions in the UK tourism sector
Maitland, R. 2003. The impact of public interventions in the UK tourism sector. London, UK National Audit Office.

The Stade de France: the last expression of French centralism?
Newman, P. and Tual, M. 2002. The Stade de France: the last expression of French centralism? European Planning Studies. 10 (7), pp. 831-843.

A continental ambience? A study of the urban management of mixed-use entertainment neighbourhoods in northern European cities
Roberts, M., Newman, P., Bailey, Nick, Greenfield, S., Osborn, G. and Edmundson, T. 2002. A continental ambience? A study of the urban management of mixed-use entertainment neighbourhoods in northern European cities. London, UK Institute of Alcohol Studies.

Partnership and collaboration in destination management
Maitland, R. 2002. Partnership and collaboration in destination management. in: Wober, K. (ed.) City Tourism 2002: Proceedings of European Cities Tourism's International Conference in Vienna, Austria, 2002 Berlin, Germany Springer. pp. 181-193

Creating successful partnerships in urban destination management
Maitland, R. 2002. Creating successful partnerships in urban destination management. Tourism. 50 (3), pp. 293-303.

Governance of Europe's city regions: planning, policy, and politics
Herrschel, T. and Newman, P. 2002. Governance of Europe's city regions: planning, policy, and politics. UK Routledge.

Planning for leisure and tourism
Maitland, R. 2001. Planning for leisure and tourism. UK Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Planning for leisure and tourism
Evans, C., Maitland, R., Edmundson, T. and Morley, S. 2001. Planning for leisure and tourism. UK Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions.

Tourism destinations
Davidson, R. and Maitland, R. 1997. Tourism destinations. London Hodder & Stoughton.

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