The PTA: Promoting Swiss Tours, 1888-1939
Dominici, S. and Maitland, R. 2016. The PTA: Promoting Swiss Tours, 1888-1939. Annals of Tourism Research. 60, pp. 31-47.
Dominici, S. and Maitland, R. 2016. The PTA: Promoting Swiss Tours, 1888-1939. Annals of Tourism Research. 60, pp. 31-47.
Title | The PTA: Promoting Swiss Tours, 1888-1939 |
Authors | Dominici, S. |
Maitland, R. | |
Abstract | This research examines the development from educational to commercial tourism in Britain between the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century by questioning whether this reflected a transformed understanding of the role of travel within society. It focuses on the Polytechnic Touring Association (PTA), a London-based originally philanthropic travel organisation that became a commercial firm. During this period the PTA moved from the project of contributing to the education of citizens to the market-led imperative of ‘harnessing’ a consumer desire. In examining this transformation via the PTA’s changing approach to the visual promotion of its Swiss tours, we suggest that the development of the tourism industry in Britain should also be explored in relation to changing ideas about travel’s contribution to social formation. |
Keywords | Polytechnic Touring Association, education, consumerism, representation, identity, tourism |
Journal | Annals of Tourism Research |
Journal citation | 60, pp. 31-47 |
ISSN | 0160-7383 |
Year | 2016 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Accepted author manuscript | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) | |
Publication dates | |
Published online | 16 Jun 2016 |
Published in print | Sep 2016 |
Published | 16 Jun 2016 |
An Invitation to Participate – 24 years of Visual Culture In Britain
Bratchford, G., Dominici, S., Horne, V. and Coomasaru, E. 2024. An Invitation to Participate – 24 years of Visual Culture In Britain. Visual Culture in Britain. 22 (1-3), pp. 27-28.
Editorial: 24 Years of Visual Culture in Britain: The Relaunch Issue
Bratchford, B., Dominici, S., Horne, V. and Coomasaru, E. 2024. Editorial: 24 Years of Visual Culture in Britain: The Relaunch Issue. Visual Culture in Britain. 22 (1-3), pp. 1-9.
Guest editorial: Locating the Darkroom. Special issue on "The Darkroom: Chemical, Cultural, Industrial"
Dominici, S. 2024. Guest editorial: Locating the Darkroom. Special issue on "The Darkroom: Chemical, Cultural, Industrial". PhotoResearcher. 41, pp. 4-15.
Photography and Early Motor Touring in Britain
Dominici, S. 2023. Photography and Early Motor Touring in Britain. History of Photography. 47 (3), pp. 234-255.
Wish You Were Here?
Dominici, S. 2023. Wish You Were Here? Source Magazine. Spring (110), pp. 14-17.
Sonata by Aaron Schuman
Dominici, S. 2022. Sonata by Aaron Schuman. Source Magazine. Autumn (109), p. 81.
Early Photographic Federations and the Pursuit of Collaborative Education
Dominici, S. 2022. Early Photographic Federations and the Pursuit of Collaborative Education. Early Popular Visual Culture. 20 (4), pp. 388-411.
The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination
Dominici, S. 2021. The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination. The PhotoHistorian. 189 (Spring), pp. 5-8.
The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination
Dominici, S. 2021. The Tricycle and the Camera: New Technologies for Self-Determination. Journal of Victorian Culture Online.
DARKROOM NETWORKS: Mundane subversiveness for photographic autonomy, 1880s-1900s
Dominici, S. 2021. DARKROOM NETWORKS: Mundane subversiveness for photographic autonomy, 1880s-1900s. Photographies. 14 (2), pp. 265-286.
The Postal Service, Circulating Portfolios and the Cultural Production of Modern Networked Identities
Dominici, S. 2020. The Postal Service, Circulating Portfolios and the Cultural Production of Modern Networked Identities. History of Photography. 44 (2-3), pp. 111-127.
From the Proliferation of the Photographic to the Nullification of Truth: Personal and Commercial Narratives of Travel in Britain, 1890s-1930s
Dominici, S. 2020. From the Proliferation of the Photographic to the Nullification of Truth: Personal and Commercial Narratives of Travel in Britain, 1890s-1930s. Image [&] Narrative. 21 (2), pp. 26-43.
The Impact of the Camera on Wheels: The Moving Gaze in the Modern Subject
Dominici, S. 2019. The Impact of the Camera on Wheels: The Moving Gaze in the Modern Subject. Trigger. 1 (1), pp. 50-54.
Interview with Chloe Dewe Mathews
Dominici, S. 2019. Interview with Chloe Dewe Mathews. Source Magazine. (99), pp. 50-60.
New Mobile Experiences of Vision and Modern Subjectivities in Late Victorian Britain
Dominici, S. 2019. New Mobile Experiences of Vision and Modern Subjectivities in Late Victorian Britain . Science Museum Group Journal. (12).
How to go from A to B
Dominici, S. 2019. How to go from A to B. Source Magazine. (97), pp. 22-25.
Beyond image: Imagined experiences of a destination
Cherifi, B., Smith, A., Maitland, R. and Stevenson, N. 2018. Beyond image: Imagined experiences of a destination. International Journal of Tourism Research . 20 (6), pp. 748-755.
‘Cyclo-Photographers’, Visual Modernity, and the Development of Camera Technologies, 1880s–1890s
Dominici, S. 2018. ‘Cyclo-Photographers’, Visual Modernity, and the Development of Camera Technologies, 1880s–1890s. History of Photography. 42 (1), pp. 46-60.
Travel Marketing and Popular Photography in Britain, 1888–1939: Reading the Travel Image
Dominici, S. 2018. Travel Marketing and Popular Photography in Britain, 1888–1939: Reading the Travel Image. New York and Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.
Tourist Photographers and the Promotion of Travel: the Polytechnic Touring Association, 1888–1939
Dominici, S. 2015. Tourist Photographers and the Promotion of Travel: the Polytechnic Touring Association, 1888–1939. Photography and Culture. 8 (3), pp. 297-323.
Destination images of non-visitors
Cherifi, B., Smith, A., Maitland, R. and Stevenson, N. 2014. Destination images of non-visitors. Annals of Tourism Research . 49, pp. 190-192.
The Democratisation of Photography and the Promotion of Tourism: the Polytechnic Touring Association (1888-1939)
Dominici, S. 2014. The Democratisation of Photography and the Promotion of Tourism: the Polytechnic Touring Association (1888-1939). PhD thesis University of Westminster Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Prosuming creative urban areas. Evidence from East London
Pappalepore, I., Maitland, R. and Smith, A. 2014. Prosuming creative urban areas. Evidence from East London. Annals of Tourism Research. 44, pp. 227-240.
Backstage behaviour in the global city: tourists and the search for the ‘real London’
Maitland, R. 2013. Backstage behaviour in the global city: tourists and the search for the ‘real London’. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences. 105, pp. 12-19.
Global change and tourism in national capitals
Maitland, R. 2012. Global change and tourism in national capitals. Current Issues in Tourism. 15 (1-2), pp. 1-2.
Capitalness is contingent: tourism and national capitals in a globalised world
Maitland, R. 2012. Capitalness is contingent: tourism and national capitals in a globalised world. Current Issues in Tourism. 15 (1-2), pp. 3-17.
What is social tourism?
Minnaert, L., Maitland, R. and Miller, G. 2011. What is social tourism? Current Issues in Tourism. 14 (5), pp. 403-415.
Exploring urban creativity: visitor experiences of Spitalfields, London
Pappalepore, I., Maitland, R. and Smith, A. 2010. Exploring urban creativity: visitor experiences of Spitalfields, London. Tourism Culture & Communication. 10 (3), pp. 217-230.
Everyday life as a creative experience in cities
Maitland, R. 2010. Everyday life as a creative experience in cities. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research. 4 (3), pp. 176-185.
Tourism and social policy: the value of social tourism
Minnaert, L., Maitland, R. and Miller, G. 2009. Tourism and social policy: the value of social tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 36 (2), pp. 314-332.
City users and the making of distinctive tourism areas in London
Newman, P. and Maitland, R. 2009. City users and the making of distinctive tourism areas in London. in: Diamantini, D., Martinotti, G. and Amendola, G. (ed.) Urban civilization: from yesterday to the next day Naples ScriptaWeb.
Tourism and the aesthetics of the built environment
Maitland, R. and Smith, A. 2009. Tourism and the aesthetics of the built environment. in: Tribe, J. (ed.) Philosophical issues in tourism Bristol Channel View Publications.
London: tourism moving East?
Maitland, R. and Newman, P. 2009. London: tourism moving East? in: Maitland, R. and Newman, P. (ed.) World tourism cities: developing tourism off the beaten track London Routledge.
Developing world tourism cities
Maitland, R. and Newman, P. 2009. Developing world tourism cities. in: Maitland, R. and Newman, P. (ed.) World tourism cities: developing tourism off the beaten track London Routledge.
Conclusions for world tourism cities
Maitland, R. and Newman, P. 2009. Conclusions for world tourism cities. in: Maitland, R. and Newman, P. (ed.) World tourism cities: developing tourism off the beaten track London Routledge.
"You want to see the people that live here": using everyday life to create a distinctive city destination
Maitland, R. 2009. "You want to see the people that live here": using everyday life to create a distinctive city destination. EIAT Conference. Belgrade, Serbia 25 - 27 Sep 2009
Tourists, the Creative Class and distinctive places: the roles of visitors and residents in developing sustainable city tourism
Maitland, R. 2009. Tourists, the Creative Class and distinctive places: the roles of visitors and residents in developing sustainable city tourism. TAIEX Conference: Sustainable City Tourism. Zagreb, Croatia 06 Nov 2009
Tourism in national capitals: developing perspectives
Maitland, R. 2009. Tourism in national capitals: developing perspectives. ATLAS Annual Conference. Aalborg, Denmark 27 - 29 May 2009 Taylor & Francis.
Tourism and changing representation in Europe’s historic capitals
Maitland, R. 2009. Tourism and changing representation in Europe’s historic capitals. Preserving Places: tourism and conservation for a sustainable enhancement of historic centres. Italian National Research Council, Rome 13 - 14 Nov 2009
London: tourism moving East?
Maitland, R. 2009. London: tourism moving East? City Futures in a Globalising World: an international conference on globalism and urban change. Madrid, Spain 04 - 06 Jun 2009
Everyday life as a creative experience in cities
Maitland, R. 2009. Everyday life as a creative experience in cities. Cities as Creative Spaces for Cultural Tourism Conference. Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey 19 - 21 Nov 2009
Visitor-host relationships: conviviality between visitors and host communities
Maitland, R. and Newman, P. 2008. Visitor-host relationships: conviviality between visitors and host communities. in: Hayllar, B., Griffin, T. and Edwards, D. (ed.) City spaces - tourist places: urban tourism precincts Oxford Butterworth Heinemann. pp. 223-243
We’re all tourists now: but what does that mean for cities?
Maitland, R. 2008. We’re all tourists now: but what does that mean for cities? in: Akbar, O. (ed.) Archilab 2008: European strategic architecture: exhibition catalogue Bauhaus Dessau. pp. 160-161
"Tourist spots are always very generic": the importance of everyday life for distinctive urban destinations
Maitland, R. 2008. "Tourist spots are always very generic": the importance of everyday life for distinctive urban destinations. Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference. Helsinki, Finland 22 - 25 April 2008
Conviviality and everyday life: the appeal of new areas of London for visitors
Maitland, R. 2008. Conviviality and everyday life: the appeal of new areas of London for visitors. International Journal of Tourism Research. 10 (1), pp. 15-25.
EDITORIAL: Special Issue, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing: Marketing National Capital Cities
Maitland, R. and Ritchie, B.W. 2007. EDITORIAL: Special Issue, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing: Marketing National Capital Cities. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 22 (3/4), pp. 1-5.
Tourism, the creative class and distinctive areas in cities
Maitland, R. 2007. Tourism, the creative class and distinctive areas in cities. in: Richards, G. and Wilson, J. (ed.) Tourism, creativity and development London, UK Routledge. pp. 73-87
Culture, city users and the creation of new tourism areas in cities
Maitland, R. 2007. Culture, city users and the creation of new tourism areas in cities. in: Smith, M.K. (ed.) Tourism, culture and regeneration Wallingford CABI. pp. 25-35
Cultural tourism and the development of new tourism areas in London
Maitland, R. 2007. Cultural tourism and the development of new tourism areas in London. in: Richards, G. (ed.) Cultural tourism: global and local perspectives New York Haworth Hospitality Press. pp. 113-129
How can we manage the tourist-historic city? Tourism strategy in Cambridge, UK, 1978-2003
Maitland, R. 2006. How can we manage the tourist-historic city? Tourism strategy in Cambridge, UK, 1978-2003. Tourism Management. 27 (6), pp. 1262-1273.
Social tourism and its ethical foundations
Minnaert, L., Maitland, R. and Miller, G. 2006. Social tourism and its ethical foundations. Tourism, Culture and Communication. 7 (12), pp. 7-17.
Cultural tourism and tourism development in London
Maitland, R. 2006. Cultural tourism and tourism development in London. in: Richards, G. (ed.) Cultural tourism: global and local perspectives New York, USA Haworth Press.
Developing metropolitan tourism on the fringe of central London
Maitland, R. and Newman, P. 2004. Developing metropolitan tourism on the fringe of central London. International Journal of Tourism Research. 6 (5), pp. 339-348.
Distinctive places and the reconfiguration of London tourism
Maitland, R. and Newman, P. 2004. Distinctive places and the reconfiguration of London tourism. 34th Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association. Washington DC, USA 31 Mar - 02 April 2004
Lessons from the long term: tourism strategy in Cambridge UK, 1978-2003
Maitland, R. 2004. Lessons from the long term: tourism strategy in Cambridge UK, 1978-2003. Tourism: State of the Art II Conference. Glasgow, UK 27-30 Jun 2004
Are VisitBritain's marketing activities effective? Analysis of stakeholder views
Maitland, R. 2004. Are VisitBritain's marketing activities effective? Analysis of stakeholder views. London, UK National Audit Office.
The impact of public interventions in the UK tourism sector
Maitland, R. 2003. The impact of public interventions in the UK tourism sector. London, UK National Audit Office.
Partnership and collaboration in destination management
Maitland, R. 2002. Partnership and collaboration in destination management. in: Wober, K. (ed.) City Tourism 2002: Proceedings of European Cities Tourism's International Conference in Vienna, Austria, 2002 Berlin, Germany Springer. pp. 181-193
Creating successful partnerships in urban destination management
Maitland, R. 2002. Creating successful partnerships in urban destination management. Tourism. 50 (3), pp. 293-303.
Planning for leisure and tourism
Maitland, R. 2001. Planning for leisure and tourism. UK Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
Planning for leisure and tourism
Evans, C., Maitland, R., Edmundson, T. and Morley, S. 2001. Planning for leisure and tourism. UK Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions.
Tourism destinations
Davidson, R. and Maitland, R. 1997. Tourism destinations. London Hodder & Stoughton.
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