Tourism destinations

Davidson, R. and Maitland, R. 1997. Tourism destinations. London Hodder & Stoughton.

TitleTourism destinations
AuthorsDavidson, R. and Maitland, R.
PublisherHodder & Stoughton
Publication dates
Place of publicationLondon

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Distinctive places and the reconfiguration of London tourism
Maitland, R. and Newman, P. 2004. Distinctive places and the reconfiguration of London tourism. 34th Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association. Washington DC, USA 31 Mar - 02 April 2004

Lessons from the long term: tourism strategy in Cambridge UK, 1978-2003
Maitland, R. 2004. Lessons from the long term: tourism strategy in Cambridge UK, 1978-2003. Tourism: State of the Art II Conference. Glasgow, UK 27-30 Jun 2004

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Maitland, R. 2004. Are VisitBritain's marketing activities effective? Analysis of stakeholder views. London, UK National Audit Office.

The impact of social trends on the business tourism market
Davidson, R. 2004. The impact of social trends on the business tourism market. Boletín del Centro de Documentacíon en Ocio. 27, p. 11.

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Davidson, R. 2004. How can Europe capture Chinese MICE? Proceedings of The 10th Annual APTA Conference, Globalization and Tourism Research: East Meets West. Nagasaki 4-7 Jul 2004

Return on investment in corporate events
Davidson, R. 2003. Return on investment in corporate events. Insights.

The impact of public interventions in the UK tourism sector
Maitland, R. 2003. The impact of public interventions in the UK tourism sector. London, UK National Audit Office.

Business travel: conferences, incentive travel, exhibitions, corporate hospitality and corporate travel
Davidson, R. and Cope, B. 2003. Business travel: conferences, incentive travel, exhibitions, corporate hospitality and corporate travel. Harlow, UK Longman.

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Davidson, R. 2003. Linger longer: how business visitors can be encouraged to extend their visits for leisure purposes. International Convention and Expo Summit. InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong 29 - 31 Aug 2003

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Davidson, R. 2003. Enhancing the quality of experience of the business visitor. ATLAS 10th International Conference: Quality of life – competing value perspectives in leisure and tourism. Leeuwarden, The Netherlands 19 - 21 Jun 2003

Adding pleasure to business: conventions and tourism
Davidson, R. 2003. Adding pleasure to business: conventions and tourism. Journal of Convention & Exhibition Management. 5, pp. 29-39.

Leisure extensions to business trips
Davidson, R. 2002. Leisure extensions to business trips. Travel and Tourism Analyst.

Partnership and collaboration in destination management
Maitland, R. 2002. Partnership and collaboration in destination management. in: Wober, K. (ed.) City Tourism 2002: Proceedings of European Cities Tourism's International Conference in Vienna, Austria, 2002 Berlin, Germany Springer. pp. 181-193

Creating successful partnerships in urban destination management
Maitland, R. 2002. Creating successful partnerships in urban destination management. Tourism. 50 (3), pp. 293-303.

The use of information and communications, technology by the European meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) sectors
Davidson, R. 2002. The use of information and communications, technology by the European meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) sectors. Journal of Convention & Exhibition Management. 4 (2), pp. 17-36.

Planning for leisure and tourism
Maitland, R. 2001. Planning for leisure and tourism. UK Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Planning for leisure and tourism
Evans, C., Maitland, R., Edmundson, T. and Morley, S. 2001. Planning for leisure and tourism. UK Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions.

Distribution channel analysis for business travel
Davidson, R. 2001. Distribution channel analysis for business travel. in: Buhalis, D. and Laws, E. (ed.) Tourism distribution channels : practices, issues and transformations London, UK Continuum. pp. 73-86

Travel and tourism in Europe. 2nd edition
Davidson, R. 1998. Travel and tourism in Europe. 2nd edition. Harlow Longman.

Business travel
Davidson, R. 1994. Business travel. London Pitman.

Tourism in Europe
Davidson, R. 1992. Tourism in Europe. London Pitman.

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