'A Collection of Small Choices'

Morrison, M. 2015. 'A Collection of Small Choices'. Hoxton Hall, London May 2015 - Jan 2018

CreatorsMorrison, M.

'A Collection of Small Choices' - a site-specific, audio-theatre installation created by Hannah Bruce and Company - was commissioned by Hoxton Hall as part of a major Heritage Lottery funded restoration project. I was the writer for this project, which was nominated (alongside the V&A and the Mary Rose Trust) for a Museums and Heritage Award (Innovation category) in 2017. Drawing on recent archival theory, the script (which includes poetry, found text, oral history and dramatic reconstruction) engages with ideas of access, diversity and participation as they apply to the presentation of cultural history. The project also makes groundbreaking use of new technologies. Participants download a specially designed App on their smart phones and are guided around the space using Bluetooth technology. The installation was available for audiences to experience for a three year period (2015-2017), and may be extended.

Event'A Collection of Small Choices'
Keywordssite-specific, audio, theatre, heritage, archive
Web address (URL)http://hannahbruce.org/small-choices.html

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