Title | The Correlation Between Personality And Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Recommendation For Entrepreneurial Education |
Authors | Wisudha, A., Angie, G., Rumondor, P.C.B., Rumeser, J.A.A. and Andangsari, E.W. |
Type | Conference paper |
Abstract | This paper reports correlation measures between personality traits and individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO). The participants are Bina Nusantara University students in the age range of 18-26 years old. Personality traits are measured using the Lumina Spark model, a psychometric instrument that uses the Big Five personality model as its cornerstone and a Jungian lens to inform the model. IEO is measured using an inventory measuring Risk-taking, Proactiveness, and Innovativeness. The results show that there is a significant correlation between all personality traits and all IEO dimensions. Various correlational patterns, from moderate to strong (r = .28 to .71 , p<.01) are studied more closely leading to the suggestion that it is conceivable to develop a comprehensive Entrepreneurial Education programme, one that embraces all aspects of personality, and more specifically, to better accommodate some personality traits that have only moderate correlation to IEO. |
Keywords | Entrepreneurship, Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation, Lumina Spark, Personality, Education |
Year | 2016 |
Conference | International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016): How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship? |
Publisher | Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pelita Harapan |
Publication dates |
Published | 2016 |
Journal citation | pp. 82-97 |
Book title | Proceedings of the International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt-2016): How Innovation could Improve the Performance and Productivity in Entrepreneurship?, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang, Indonesia, 17 March 2016 |
ISBN | 9789799616234 |