Urban tourism as a bone of contention. Four explanatory hypotheses and a caveat

Novy, J. 2019. Urban tourism as a bone of contention. Four explanatory hypotheses and a caveat. International Journal of Tourism Cities. 5 (1), pp. 63-74. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-01-2018-0011

TitleUrban tourism as a bone of contention. Four explanatory hypotheses and a caveat
TypeJournal article
AuthorsNovy, J.

This commentary responds to recent debates surrounding the observable proliferation and intensification of controversies and disputes surrounding urban tourism. It argues that coming to terms with conflicts about and around tourism in cities represents an important frontier for research and puts forth some observations about its causes and characteristics, the debates they have sparked, and our scholarly engagement with them so far. In particular, the commentary will address (i) the role of urban tourism’s massive and often rapid growth; (ii) the fact that backlashes in cities are often less directed against tourism in its entirety than against particular kinds of tourism (or tourists); (iii) the need to look at contestations surrounding urban tourism not in isolation from, but in firm connection to the more general rise of struggles and protests in and about urban space unfolding in cities worldwide ; (iv) the extent to which contestations are are linked to the ongoing, and, it seems, accelerating, geographical spread of tourism; and, lastly, (v) the need to critically engage with the notion of tourism itself and move beyond essentialising narratives that portray tourism as an alltogether distinct, easily separable social phenomenon.

Keywordsurban tourism, new tourism, overtourism, protests
JournalInternational Journal of Tourism Cities
Journal citation5 (1), pp. 63-74
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
Accepted author manuscript
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-01-2018-0011
Publication dates
Published online07 Aug 2018
Published in print2019

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