Haunted Landscapes: Ghosts of Chennai Past, Present and Future Yet-to-Come

Cullen, B. 2019. Haunted Landscapes: Ghosts of Chennai Past, Present and Future Yet-to-Come. Monsoon [+ other] Waters. University of Westminster 12 - 13 Apr 2018 Monsoon Assemblages.

TitleHaunted Landscapes: Ghosts of Chennai Past, Present and Future Yet-to-Come
AuthorsCullen, B.
ConferenceMonsoon [+ other] Waters
PublisherMonsoon Assemblages
Publisher's version
Publication dates
Journal citationpp. 185-200
Book titleMonsoon [+ other] Waters
Book editorBremner, L.
FunderERC - European Research Council
Web address (URL) of conference proceedingshttp://monass.org/monsoon-other-waters-book-published/

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