Deeper Love

York, A. 2018. Deeper Love.

CreatorsYork, A.

Launch event - Area 51 at the University of Westminster

KeywordsInteractive, music, performance, apps, Wii controller
Year10 Dec 2018
Image creditDr Rob Toulson
Media typeImage

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York, A. 2020. Transforming musical performance: activating the audience as digital collaborators. PhD thesis University of Westminster Westminster School of Arts

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York, A. 2019. Transforming musical performance: the audience as performer. in: Hepworth-Sawyer, R., Hodgson, J., Paterson, J. and Toulson, R. (ed.) Innovation In Music London Routledge. pp. 3-23

Deeper Love, Soundpad App
York, A. 2018. Deeper Love, Soundpad App. Apple App Store.

Keyboard techniques
York, A. 2003. Keyboard techniques. in: Moore, A.F. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Blues and Gospel Music Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 130-140

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122 total views
55 total downloads
These values cover views and downloads from WestminsterResearch and are for the period from September 2nd 2018, when this repository was created.