Unplanned Expansions: Renting Private Homes to Tourists

Inkson, C. 2019. Unplanned Expansions: Renting Private Homes to Tourists. in: Destination London London University of Westminster Press. pp. 37-59

Chapter titleUnplanned Expansions: Renting Private Homes to Tourists
AuthorsInkson, C.

This chapter presents analysis of the supply of tourist accommodation, via the collaborative economy, in London. It discusses regulatory changes that have stimulated an increase in sharing-economy accommodation supply in the city, and compares the responses by local authorities in London. The dominant intermediaries that provide platforms for homeowners to access the market are identified, and the spatial distribution of sharing economy accommodation supply throughout London is analysed. Evidence shows that while centrally-located boroughs dominate the London collaborative economy accommodation offer, many peripheral boroughs which aren’t typically associated with tourism also provide significant capacity, creating potential for extension of the destination offer.

Keywordscollaborative economy
private homes
tourism expansion
regulated deregulation
spatial distribution tourism
Book titleDestination London
Page range37-59
PublisherUniversity of Westminster Press
Publication dates
Published21 May 2019
Place of publicationLondon
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.16997/book35.c
LicenseCC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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