Tourism Management: an introduction. 3rd edition

Inkson, C. and Minnaert, L. 2022. Tourism Management: an introduction. 3rd edition. London Sage.

TitleTourism Management: an introduction. 3rd edition
AuthorsInkson, C. and Minnaert, L.

This introductory text provides readers with a robust understanding of tourism and its industries, including how destinations are developed, marketed and managed, and how tourism impacts communities, environments and economies. The authors discuss the critical issues affecting 21st century tourism, such as sustainability, the climate crisis, globalisation, community, technology, the environment and the sharing economy. The text has been fully updated in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and its notable, and in some cases lasting, impacts on the tourism industry.

The text features new mini-case studies (snapshots) and international case studies from countries around the globe including USA, Saudi Arabia, India, China, New Zealand, Australia, Namibia and the UK. It discusses the latest trends in transport, hospitality, attractions and the travel trade and includes examples from major tourism companies including, TUI and Airbnb.

Publication dates
Published22 Sep 2022
Place of publicationLondon
ISBN 9781529758467

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