Applications of Computational Intelligence to Power Systems

Kodogiannis, V. (ed.) 2019. Applications of Computational Intelligence to Power Systems. MDPI.

TitleApplications of Computational Intelligence to Power Systems
EditorsKodogiannis, V.

In power system operation and control, the basic goal is to provide users with quality electricity power in an economically rational degree for power systems, and to ensure their stability and reliability. However, the increased interconnection and loading of the power system along with deregulation and environmental concerns has brought new challenges for electric power system operation, control, and automation. In the liberalised electricity market, the operation and control of a power system has become a complex process because of the complexity in modelling and uncertainties. Computational intelligence (CI) is a family of modern tools for solving complex problems that are difficult to solve using conventional techniques, as these methods are based on several requirements that may not be true all of the time. Developing solutions with these “learning-based” tools offers the following two major advantages: the development time is much shorter than when using more traditional approaches, and the systems are very robust, being relatively insensitive to noisy and/or missing data/information, known as uncertainty.

Publication dates
PublishedNov 2019
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)

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