The Cloud we Share: Access Control on Symmetrically Encrypted Data in Untrusted Clouds

Bakas, A., Dang, H., Michalas, A. and Zalitko, A. 2020. The Cloud we Share: Access Control on Symmetrically Encrypted Data in Untrusted Clouds. IEEE Access.

TitleThe Cloud we Share: Access Control on Symmetrically Encrypted Data in Untrusted Clouds
TypeJournal article
AuthorsBakas, A., Dang, H., Michalas, A. and Zalitko, A.

Along with the rapid growth of cloud environments, rises the problem of secure data storage. – a problem that both businesses and end-users take into consideration before moving their data online. Recently, a lot of solutions have been proposed based either on Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE) or Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE). SSE is an encryption technique that offers security against both internal and external attacks. However, since in an SSE scheme, a single key is used to encrypt everything, revoking a user would imply downloading the entire encrypted database and re-encrypt it with a fresh key. On the other hand, in an ABE scheme, the problem of revocation can be addressed. Unfortunately, though, the proposed solutions are based on the properties of the underlying ABE scheme and hence, the revocation costs grow along with the complexity of the policies. To this end, we use these two cryptographic techniques that squarely fit cloud-based environments to design a hybrid encryption scheme based on ABE and SSE in such a way that we utilize the best out of both of them. Moreover, we exploit the functionalities offered by Intel’s SGX to design a revocation mechanism and an access control one, that are agnostic to the cryptographic primitives used in our construction.

KeywordsAccess Control, Attribute-Based Encryption, Cloud, Data Sharing, Scope, Secure storage, SGX, Symmetric Searchable Encryption
JournalIEEE Access
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Publisher's version
CC BY 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published04 Dec 2020

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