Magritte. The false mirror - ACE025.2

1970. Magritte. The false mirror - ACE025.2.

TitleMagritte. The false mirror - ACE025.2

Le Fils de l’Homme / The Son of Man (1964). Photograph of René Magritte holding the painting. VO talks about his regular and conventional lifestyle. Le Faux Mirroir / The False Mirror (1928). L’Assassin Menacé / The Menaced Assassin (1926). VO relates story of Magritte kicking visiting friend of his wife’s. L’Histoire Centrale / The Heart of the Matter (1928). Les Objets Familiers (1928). Le Dormeur Téméraire / The Reckless Sleeper (1928). La Femme Introuvable / The Elusive Woman, 1928) Le Palais d’une Courtesane / A Courtesan’s Palace (1928). Le Musée d’une nuit (1927). VO reading Magritte’s words about playing in a cemetery and seeing artists at work. Les Objets Familiers. Sound of electric tram (?) stopping. Les Jours Gigantesques (1928). Entracte / Intermission (1927). Tram starts up again. The False Mirror. Magritte on making thoughts palpable through painting, the art of painting, incapable of expressing feelings, etc. La Fin des Contemplations / The Last of the Contemplatives (1927), Le Masque Vide / The Empty Mask (six panels) (1928). Another Empty Mask (four panels) (1928). Le Démon de la Perversité (1927). The Elusive Woman. L’Aimable Vérité / The Pleasant Truth (1966). Magritte on the question of how to paint a likeness. The Reckless Sleeper. La Sortie de l’Ecole / Leaving School (1927). L’Apparition (1928) and others. "An image shouldn’t be confused with something tangible." A Courtesan’s Palace. The Signs of Evening (1926). "An image of likeness can never result from the illustration of a subject." Baigneuse du Claire au Sombre (1936), La Belle Captive (1950). "Likeness is a thought capable of becoming visible through painting." La Belle Captive (1931) La Condition Humaine (1933). Les Promenades d’Euclide / Euclidean Walks (1955), and others including The False Mirror, Le Modèle Rouge (1935). L’Explication (1952) (orange version). La Lampe Philosophique (1936). Le Thérapeute (1941). Le Viol / The Rape (1934), and Le Mouvement Perpétuel (1935). Perspective: Madame Récamier de David (1951) La Lampe Philosophique. L’Invention Collective / Collective Invention(1935). La Méditation (1936). Le Temps Menaçant / Threatening Weather (1929). The Marches of Summer (1938-1939). Repeated views of several of these.

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Magritte. The false mirror - ACE025.3
1970. Magritte. The false mirror - ACE025.3.

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