Magritte. The false mirror - ACE025.3

1970. Magritte. The false mirror - ACE025.3.

TitleMagritte. The false mirror - ACE025.3

Paintings including a version of La Domaine d’Arnheim, Le Chant de la Violette / The Purple Song (1951), Pledge (1950), and The Childhood of Icarus (1960). Time Transfixed / La Durée poignardée (1938). The Listening Room / La Chambre d’Ecoute (1952). Les Valeurs Personnelles / Personal Values (1952). Les Memoirs d’un Saint (1960). The False Mirror. Pink Bells and Tattered Skies / Grelots roses, ciels en lambeaux (1930). "When I was a child, a little girl and I used to play together in the old disused cemetery of an old provincial town…" The Annunciation (1930). The False Mirror. "It seemed to me then that the art of painting was vaguely magical and the painter endowed with superior powers." The Messenger. Le Drapeau Noir / The Black Flag (1937), and others including L’Idole (after) (1965). The Messenger. The Song of the Storm / Le Chant de l'Orage (1937). The Battle of Argonne (1959). The Sense of Realities (1963). Commentary notes that Magritte’s mother committed suicide when he was twelve, describes the finding of her body in the river, her face covered with her dress, and says that Magritte claimed to enjoy being the centre of a tragedy. La Clef de Verre (1959). The Heart of the Matter. The Reckless Sleeper. Others including L’Inondation / The Flood (1928), Les Cornes du Desir (1960); several paintings shown again. Les Amants / The Lovers (1928). The Musings of a Solitary Walker (1926) and others. "The work of most artists is conceived under the illusion that it needs to be done..." Principe de Plaisir / The Pleasure Principle; Portrait of Edward James (1937) and others including The Son of Man (1964) and Golconde (1953). "I am obliged not to believe. There is no point of departure." Credits.

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Magritte. The false mirror - ACE025.2
1970. Magritte. The false mirror - ACE025.2.

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