I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.3

1975. I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.3.

TitleI Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.3

Bickerstaff talking about a period when Schwitters was worried that he’d "lost his skill" and painted the teacher’s portrait to see if this was true or not. Another portrait of Mr Bickerstaff. Scenes in Ambleside; commentary quotes Bickerstaff on finding Schwitters new accommodation with the local blacksmith when he became too ill to climb the hill to his lodgings. The house. Commentary says that Creighton, the blacksmith, was "begged not to stamp on the little bits of rubbish … in the attic" which were the raw materials for Schwitters’s collages. Examples of the completed works. Thomas and Feaver boating on the lake. Paintings of the lake and surroundings. Thomas relating anecdote about swan eating his watch. Photographs of Schwitters. Collage For Kate (1947) which includes Kate Steinmetz’s return address from a letter. Collage. Commentary talks about Schwitters and his Dada "sound effect poems". Thomas recites The Fury of Sneezing (Happa Peppe TSCHAA!). More collages. Thomas recites "I build my time in gathering flowers and throwing out the weeds…" Music over Ich ist Stil / I Is Style / Ik is stijl and The Hitler Gang. Landscape and other paintings; Thomas VO says Schwitters felt that nature was important to his type of work. Details of several works.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

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I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.2
1975. I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.2.

I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.4
1975. I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.4.

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