I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.4

1975. I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.4.

TitleI Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.4

View from bus. Commentary explains that Schwitters broke his leg in 1946 and had to postpone a London exhibition and abandon the idea of a Dada magazine. Photographs of the Hanover Merzbau (1923-1937), destroyed in wartime bombing. Scenes from bus intercut with some from Harry Pierce’s gardens. Earlier film of Pierce talking about Schwitters. Thomas talking about Schwitters painting the Harry Pierce portrait (1947). Pierce describing how Schwitters started working in his barn. Thomsa and Heaver visiting the Merz Barn (photograph of exterior). Film of Pierce looking at the sculpture. Details of the sculpture. The sculpture today (in Newcastle University). The derelict barn. Thomas’s VO talking about Schwitters’s work on the sculpture. Countryside. Thomas’s VO reading "I build my time…". Details of the Barn sculpture. Thomas and Feaver in the cemetery at Langdale. Bickerstaff describes Schwitters during his final illness. Thomas and Feaver at the gravestone. View from the bus. Cemetery. Schwitters’s House. Wantee (1947). Thomas VO quoting Schwitters talking about his own importance. Windermere station. Commentary talking about the Merz works being put away. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5922/i-build-my-time-the-last-years-of-kurt-schwitters-ace053-4

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I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.2
1975. I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.2.

I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.3
1975. I Build My Time. The last years of Kurt Schwitters - ACE053.3.

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